Much appreciation to all the coaches who have volunteered this year! League coordinators will be in touch soon with draft details for rookie-major teams.
Important upcoming dates!
Feb. 8, 2025- Minor/Major Evaluations @ Corydon Intermediate
Minor boys 12p Major boys 1p Minor girls 2p Major girls 3p
Feb. 15, 2025- Junior High Baseball Tryouts @ CCHS Aux Gym
11:00am-1:00pm- Bring gear and wear tennis shoes
Feb. 22, 2025- FHCY Field work day 9am-??
March 5-6, 2025- Junior High Softball Tryouts @ CCJHS Gym
6:00pm-7:30pm- Bring gear and wear tennis shoes. Attendance for both nights is encouraged but only one night is required.
Teams will be required to help with concessions. Details will be provided to the coaches at a later date.
Player Evaluations
We will have pre-season player evaluations on Saturday Feb. 8, 2025 for Minor and Major leagues again this year. Please have players bring gear and wear tennis shoes. Pitchers and catchers will be evaluated also.
Transportation Requests
Team requests concerning transportation will be honored at the discretion of the board, with regard to medical necessity. We cannot guarantee familial transportation requests for players outside of their household.
League Eligibility Requirement Changes
Eligibility for Rookie, Minor, and Major leagues will be determined by grade level (2024-2025 School Year). See table below:
Wee Ball | 3-4 years - Must be age 3 by March 1st, 2025 (No Exceptions). |
Tee Ball | 5-6 years - Must be age 5 by July 31st, 2025. |
Rookie | 1st & 2nd Grade (2024/2025 School Year) |
Minor | 3rd & 4th (2024/2025 School Year) |
Major | 5th & 6th (2024/2025 School Year) |
7th/8th Grade | Sign up sheet will be posted at CCJHS. |
**Birth certificates are required for those new to the program.** |
We are looking for board members, committee members, and concession stand workers.
Don’t think you have the time to commit to the board - no problem! Serve on a committee. Interested? Just shoot us a message.